
عرض كامل الموضوع : English see you again

ماريا انطونيو
12-04-2019, 04:16 PM
On this day the wonderful handsome artist died taking care of Lord Selamat Jalan
A traffic accident led to the accident and died immediately
See you again
I feel at this moment that the world seems to me small, and it seems to me a happy day quickly, but life is always as we learned, and whenever people pass at all times and places, strange and nostalgic, they meet and separate, laugh and tears, the best laughed meeting, the warmest tears of separation, what It is the hottest. Tears of separation I feel the heat of those tears despite keeping them in my eyes, but I say my eyes when crying and breathing.




ماريا انطونيو
12-04-2019, 04:18 PM
I feel a huge void in my heart, a place that will be abandoned for days, maybe months, maybe even on Judgment Day. For fear of being a lone prisoner on the shore of Dhikr and Alhamd

ماريا انطونيو
12-04-2019, 04:29 PM
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After the separation do not wait for the moon to complain about the pain of the resurrection, because he
will miss throwing what he carried, and return to us with a new moon, and does not stand in front of the sea to disturb the waves, and more than a hundred of your tears; I waited for a long time .. Send sweetest meanings and do not miss my dear. My dear to leave, I was in Siri Yes comrade, are we after this part .. Our hearts gather about the meaning of love, which will share my happiness and happiness in my sadness, and reduces my imagination at this time, at a time when I did not find a friend I share my happiness if I rejoiced How can I be a friend and regret grief if I am sad. Those who chase and
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cling to the windows are the most painful and waiting for travelers. You will not find me, my friend and I will not look for you, but I will find your voice in my heart, and hesitating with my ear and you will find the echoes of your voices in your heart. Seeing friends absent in dreams is the most painful encounter. Make in your days a collection of beautiful pictures of this man who dwelt your heart and his features and bright eyes sad and smile in a moment of serenity and the beast in a narrow moment and hope that grew up between you two days and grew up, even withered and died. I was the hope that threatened the moments of my life and was expelled from my eyes prison. The ability to walk and give me the ability to wait as the passage between your hands and everything to you. If the days break between you do not remember those you love only every sense of sincerity, and talk about it just all that is wonderful and noble, gave you a heart and gave him for life, and there is no more precious than the heart and age in human life. It's hard to cry without tears, it's hard to go without coming back, and it's hard to feel upset, as if the place around you is tight. If time deprives me of meeting .. Will not deprive me of your memory .. I love you and will not forget you. Tears of secrets .. And love influences .. And parting fire. When parting make your eyes speak you will read those who love you black, make your farewell a painting of feelings, artists paint to draw and can not, this is the last time you record in your balance. The beauty of the night is drawn with your eyes, full moonlight with your eyelids, and the whole universe settles without you. We moved away as if

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separation had pulled the mat of happiness from under our feet and the distances we hold between us and some humans. This does not mean vanity as much as the desire to continue respect. Do not grieve nor grieve, and do not watch your tears on the seashore, and do not tell the news of the sea to leave, it is the saddest of them, most know me. In the paths of life, we met and passed the time and went to find ourselves suddenly at the crossroads of departure, then shake hands and drown our eyes with tears to remain a souvenir among their loved ones. In the paths of life, we met and passed the time and went to find ourselves suddenly at the crossroads of departure, then shake hands and drown our eyes with tears to remain a souvenir among their loved ones. It's my best life to live well with brothers who have lived the heart and dissipated my sorrows, I'll purse them and love to save us from loss. I hope that the time will come and that the meeting will last forever, but no matter how many years we will die, memories will remain as a dictionary frequented by the touches of farewell and parting, farewell and death is survival.

ماريا انطونيو
12-04-2019, 04:33 PM
The separation is like the current eye that after the green environment depleted. It is a farewell place or a ship without a sail. They say dimension heart hardens, and say who loves what is forgotten. Parting like love letters can not prescribe, my father is dispersed. The hardest thing is to associate memories with a friend and parting becomes a state of amnesia
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ماريا انطونيو
12-04-2019, 04:38 PM
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Our friendship in my heart lights up for life, our friendship will not survive despite the huge dimension. Parting, laughter and tears, the sweetest encounter laughter, the warmest tears of separation, what are the warmest tears of separation! I feel the warmth of those tears, although kept in my eyes, but I say, my eyes do not cry, my same parting after the meeting.
My friend without you, the world is difficult, sadness and silence, the joy of my religion became strange and happiness became courageous, which became a heart for me, someone I love and adore the point of madness, all my sorrows near me

12-04-2019, 10:22 PM
Thank you beautiful theme

Keep writing


ماريا انطونيو
12-04-2019, 10:25 PM
Thank you beautiful theme

Keep writing


Today is the anniversary of the death of the famous actor film Speed and Fury

12-04-2019, 10:30 PM
Today is the anniversary of the death of the famous actor film Speed and Fury

Actually a wonderful actor

I loved him

ماريا انطونيو
12-04-2019, 10:37 PM
Actually a wonderful actor

I loved him

Yes true dear handsome
and wonderful actor condolences to

his family on the anniversary of the third death

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